What’s in the Flemish Housing Policy Paper 2024-2029?

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What’s in the Flemish Housing Policy Paper and the 2024-2029 Flemish coalition agreement? Read the main points here.


  • What is a policy paper?
  • What is a coalition agreement?
  • Will all the plans in these documents be implemented?
  • What do the Flemish policy note on housing and the Flemish coalition agreement 2024-2029 say?


1. What is a policy paper?

A policy paper is a document prepared by a minister at the beginning of a new legislature (reign). It contains the vision, objectives and concrete policy plans for a specific policy area, such as Housing, Education or Health, over the next five years. It serves as a guide for policy and defines the priorities on which the minister and cabinet want to work.  

2. What is a coalition agreement?

A coalition agreement is a document in which the parties that make up a government lay down what they want to achieve together during their administration. It contains agreements on all major policy areas and serves as a foundation for cooperation between the parties.  

3. Are all the plans in these documents being implemented?

No, not always. It may be that certain plans are not carried out or partially carried out, because of:

  • Financial constraints: Some plans are too expensive to fully implement.
  • Practical obstacles: Technical challenges or slow procedures can delay implementation.
  • Political change: Changes in political relations, such as a new government or unforeseen crises, can shift priorities.
  • Stakeholder opposition: Citizens, businesses or organizations can object, causing plans to be modified or scrapped.


Flemish Policy Note_Parliament
Image: parliament building


4. What do the Flemish policy note on housing and the Flemish coalition agreement 2024-2029 say?

4.1. Verhogen woningbetaalbaarheid

  • Registration fees for the purchase of an only and own home drop from 3% to 2%.
  • Introduction of the Flemish Housing Guarantee to make home buying more accessible to first-time buyers.
  • Further investment in the Flemish Housing Loan and accelerated processes to support ownership, including for renovation housing.


4.2. Investeren in sociale huisvesting

  • Focus on reducing structural and frictional vacancy rates in social housing.
  • Social tenants with job potential are more strongly encouraged to seek employment, coupled with rent adjustments and priority rules.
  • Annual investment of 1 billion euros in the construction and renovation of social housing. This amounts to a total loan authorization of 6 billion euros for the administration period.


4.3. Stimuleren energierenovaties

  • Accelerating techniques such as off-site building and rapid renovations.
  • Local governments are encouraged to address vacancy and dilapidation with, for example, social management law.
  • Support through the My Rebuilding Grant and My Rebuilding Loan to make homes more energy efficient and upgrade to a minimum EPC label D.


4.4. Verbeteren private huurmarkt

  • Gradual introduction of mandatory certificates of conformity throughout Flanders.
  • Rollout of budget rental housing with a focus on affordable housing below market rent.
  • Starting in 2028, rent indexations will be banned for rental properties that do not meet EPC labels.
  • Extending the repayment period of the rent guarantee loan from 24 to 36 months for tenants with low income.


4.5. Faciliteren van nieuwe woonvormen

  • Legal and administrative barriers are being removed to support cohabitation, such as cohousing and care housing.
  • Evaluate and expand innovative structures such as split purchase (ground lease and superficies).


4.6. Aanpakken demografische uitdagingen

  • By 2050, 450,000 additional housing units must be built to accommodate aging, family thinning and migration.
  • Construction industry, local governments and housing companies are working together to make this offer a reality.


4.7. Sensibiliseren over brandveiligheid

  • Further sensitization and provision of information, in cooperation with the Fire Service Network.


Flemish policy note_Brand extinguisher inspection
Image: fire extinguisher inspection
  Sources: Flanders

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Stiasteny, L. (2024, November 26). Flemish policy paper and the Flemish coalition agreement 2024-2029: Housing. Apartment.be. Consulted on (date XX/XX/202X), from https://www.appartement.be/vlaamse-beleidsnota-en-regeerakkoord-2024-2029/


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