My Rebuilding Premium 2025: conditions and amounts compared to 2024

Find here the My Rebuilding Premium terms and conditions and premium amounts that apply as of Jan. 1, 2025, compared to those for the year 2024.


  • Terms My Rebuilding Premium 2025 vs. 2024
    • Lowest income category
    • Middle income category
    • Highest income category
  • Premium amounts My Rebuilding Premium 2025 vs. 2024
    • Lowest income category
    • Middle income category
    • Highest income category


1. Terms and Conditions of My Rebuilding Premium 2025-2024.

1.1. Voorwaarden Mijn VerbouwPremie: laagste inkomenscategorie

Family situationLowest income category 2025Lowest income category 2024
SingleUp to and including 42,340 eurosUp to and including 40,860 euros
Single with one dependantUp to 59,270 euros

+ 4,320 Euros per additional dependant

Up to 57,190 Euros

+ 4,170 Euros per additional dependant

Couple, multiple owner-occupantsUp to 59,270 euros

+ 4,320 Euros per additional dependent person

Up to 57,190 Euros

+ 4,170 Euros per additional dependant


1.2. Voorwaarden Mijn VerbouwPremie: middelste inkomenscategorie

Family situationMiddle income category 2025Middle income category 2024
SingleFrom 42,340 euros to 53,880 eurosFrom 40,860 euros to 51,990 euros
Single with one dependantFrom 59,270 euros to 76,980 euros

+ 4,230 Euros per additional dependant

From 57,190 Euros to 74,280 Euros

+ 4,170 Euros per additional dependant

Couple, multiple owner-occupantsFrom 59,270 euros to 76,980 euros

+ 4,230 Euros per additional dependent person

From 57,190 Euro to 74,280 Euro

+ 4,170 Euros per additional dependant


1.3. Voorwaarden Mijn VerbouwPremie: hoogste inkomenscategorie

Family situationHighest income category 2025Highest income category 2024
SingleMore than 53,880 eurosMore than 51,990 euros
Single with one dependent personMore than 76,980 euros

+ 4,320 euros per additional dependent person

More than 74,280 euros

+ 4,170 euros per additional dependant

Couple, multiple owner-occupantsMore than 76,980 euros

+ 4,320 euros per additional dependent person

More than 74,280 euros

+ 4,170 euros per additional dependant


My Renovation Premium_Floor Renovation
Image: Floor renovation


2. Premium amounts of My Rebuilding Premium 2025-2024.

2.1. Premiebedragen Mijn VerbouwPremie: laagste inkomenscategorie

CategoryLowest income category 2025Lowest income category 2024
Interior renovationMax. 35% of the invoice

Max. 1,750 euro premium

Max. 50% of the invoice

Max. 2,500 euros premium

Exterior wallsMax. 35% of the invoice

Max. 4,200 euro premium

Max. 50% of the invoice

Max. 6,000 euro premium

RoofMax. 35% of the invoice

Max. 4,025 euro premium

Max. 50% of the invoice

Max. 5,750 euros premium

Electricity and plumbingMax. 35% of the bill

Max. 2,625 euro premium

Max. 50% of the bill

Max. 3,750 euros premium

Gas condensing boilerNoExpires on 31/10/2024

Max. 40% of the bill

Max. 1,800 euro premium

Windows and doorsMax. 35% of the invoice

Max. 3,850 euro premium

Max. 50% of the invoice

Max. 5,500 euro premium

FloorMax. 35% of the invoice

Max. 1,050 euro premium

Max. 50% of the invoice

Max. 1,500 euro premium

Heat pumpMax. 50% of the invoice

– geothermal: max. 6,400 euros

– air-water: max. 4,800 euros

– hybrid: max. 3,200 euros

– air-air: 480 euro

Max. 50% of the invoice

– geothermal: max. 6,400 euros

– air-water: max. 4,800 euros

– hybrid: max. 3,200 euros

– air-air: 480 euro

Heat pump boilerMax. 50% of the bill

Max. 1,080 euro premium

Max. 50% of invoice

Max. 1,080 euro premium

Solar water heaterMax. 50% of the bill

Max. 3,300 euro premium

Max. 50% of invoice

Max. 3,300 euro premium

Solar panelsNoNone


2.2. Premiebedragen Mijn VerbouwPremie: middelste inkomenscategorie

CategoryMiddle income category 2025Middle income category 2024
Interior renovationMax. 25% of the invoice

Max. 1,250 euro premium

Max. 35% of invoice

Max. 1,750 euros premium

Exterior wallsMax. 25% of the invoice

Max. 3,000 euro premium

Max. 35% of the invoice

Max. 4,200 euro premium

RoofMax. 25% of the invoice

Max. 2,875 euro premium

Max. 35% of invoice

Max. 4,025 euro premium

Electricity and plumbingMax. 25% of the bill

Max. 1,875 euro premium

Max. 35% of the bill

Max. 2,625 euro premium

Gas condensing boilerNoNone
Windows and doorsMax. 25% of the invoice

Max. 2,750 euro premium

Max. 35% of invoice

Max. 3,850 euro premium

FloorMax. 25% of the invoice

Max. 750 euro premium

Max. 35% of invoice

Max. 1,050 euro premium

Heat pumpMax. 40% of the invoice

– geothermal: max. 4,000 euros

– air-water: max. 3,000 euros

– hybrid: max. 2,000 euros

– air-air: 300 euros

Max. 40% of the invoice

– geothermal: max. 4,000 euros

– air-water: max. 3,000 euros

– hybrid: max. 2,000 euros

– air-air: 300 euros

Heat pump boilerMax. 40% of the bill

Max. 900 euro premium

Max. 50% of the bill

Max. 1,080 euro premium

Solar water heaterMax. 40% of the bill

Max. 2,750 euro premium

Max. 50% of the bill

Max. 3,300 euros premium

Solar panelsNoNone


2.3. Premiebedragen Mijn VerbouwPremie: hoogste inkomenscategorie


Highest income category 2025

Highest income category 2024

Interior renovation


Exterior walls

Max. 40% of the invoice

5 to 30 euros per m²

Max. 40% of the invoice

5 to 30 euros per m²


Max. 40% of the invoice

8 euros per m²

Max. 40% of the invoice

8 euros per m²

Electricity and plumbingNo


Gas condensing boilerNoNone
Windows and doorsMax. 40% of the invoice

16 euros per m²

Max. 40% of the invoice

16 euros per m²

FloorMax. 40% of the invoice

6 euro per m²

Max. 40% of the invoice

6 euros per m²

Heat pumpMax. 40% of the invoice

– geothermal: max. 4,000 euros

– air-water: max. 3,000 euros

– hybrid: max. 2,000 euros

– air-air: 300 euros

Max. 40% of the invoice

– geothermal: max. 4,000 euros

– air-water: max. 3,000 euros

– hybrid: max. 2,000 euros

– air-air: 300 euros

Heat pump boilerMax. 40% of the bill

Max. 900 euro premium

Max. 40% of the bill

Max. 900 euro premium

Solar water heaterMax. 40% of the bill

Max. 2,750 euro premium

Max. 40% of the bill

Max. 2,750 euros premium

Solar panelsNoNone


My Renovation Premium 2025_Sanitary Renovation
Image: Sanitary renovation


Sources: Livios, Flanders

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Stiasteny, L. (Nov. 2024, 22). My Rebuilding Premium 2025: conditions and amounts vs. 2024. Consulted on (date XX/XX/202X), from


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