The real estate world is paying increasing attention to creating inclusive and accessible spaces for everyone. Renting out an accessible home or apartment opens the door to a wider audience of tenants, including people with mobility limitations, seniors and families with young children. Here are important considerations and benefits of renting out an accessible home.
What makes a home accessible?
An accessible home is one that is designed and equipped to welcome people with different mobility levels and needs. If you want to rent out an accessible home or apartment, be sure to complete the to do’s below:
- Illuminates spaces well.
- Provide a chair elevator at stairs.
- Provide an automatic door opener.
- Provide a raised toilet with handles.
- Provide safe, slip-resistant flooring. Especially in the bathroom.
- Provide as few doors as possible. These are only obstacles. Keep privacy in mind, of course.
- Provide wide doorways for wheelchairs and walkers. Ideally, these should have a width of at least 90-100 centimeters.
- Provide an adapted bathroom with sturdy handles, braces and a barrier-free shower with seat. Preferably, this shower is a minimum of 100 by 100 centimeters in size.
- Place a sink without a cabinet under it. This will allow a wheelchair user to drive themselves under it.
- Place the shower faucet low enough and make sure your tenant can adjust the height of the shower head.
- Place fuse boxes at a reach zone between 40 and 140 centimeters from floor level.
- Give rooms enough maneuvering space for wheelchairs or walkers. Also consider space around furniture and appliances. Provide a turning radius of 150 centimeters.
- Provide adjustable countertops, shelves, easily accessible light switches, outlets and thermostats. Ideally, hang these between 90-120 centimeters high.
- Avoid stairs, ramps and thresholds.
- Avoid corners, edges or aesthetic level differences.
Communicate clearly with the potential tenants what you have just provided and what their needs and requirements are just. This is very important when renting out an accessible house or apartment. That way you avoid disappointment and have a better chance of happy tenants!
For many home modifications, the Flemish Agency for Persons with Disabilities (VAPH) reimburses your investments. See here: the reference list of aids and adaptations.
Benefits of renting out an accessible home or apartment
- Larger audience of potential tenants: people with mobility problems, seniors, families with young children and people with temporary injuries.
- Long-term tenants: Tenants who find suitable and accessible housing tend to stay longer.
- Improved quality of life: You improve the quality of life of your tenants with mobility impairments. They are more independent and get to all areas of their home easily.
- Stable income and lower vacancy rates: By capitalizing on the small supply within this niche, you attract tenants who are looking for long-term leases. Just make sure your tenants feel comfortable and safe in your rental house or apartment.
- Contribute to inclusiveness: You offer equal opportunities to all tenants, regardless of their level of mobility. This is an important aspect of socially responsible renting and may give you a happy sense of accomplishment.
Tips for an accessible home or apartment rental
- Clear communication: Mention that your property is accessible in your listing and describe the specific amenities as mentioned above. Take clear photos that allow potential renters to easily assess the situation and their safety.
- Accessible viewings: Make it easy for potential renters with mobility limitations to view your house or apartment by offering flexible viewing times. Ask questions about accessibility in advance and, of course, answer questions as clearly and correctly as they have them.
- Collaborate with organizations: Work with local organizations that serve people with mobility impairments to bring your home to the attention of this community.
Ready to rent out? Then read our article:” 4 Types of leases under 2024 legislation“. Sources: Antwerp, BRAP
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Stiasteny, L. (2024, Feb. 16). Accessible house or apartment rental. Consulted on (date XX/XX/202X), from