5 tips for smoothly selling your home

Prepare for a successful sale of your home with these five valuable tips. From the importance of a tidy and well-maintained home to creating an attractive atmosphere during viewings, discover essential strategies for a smooth sale. Also learn how to maximize potential buyers’ interest with the right photos, a characterful presentation and a realistic starting price.

Tip 1: Cleaning

Cleaning up is not the nicest job there is, yet it is a first important step in selling your home. A clean house gives peace of mind, and the same happens in the minds of potential buyers.

It can certainly also help to do some minor repairs in your home. Potential buyers pay attention to the smallest details so a leaky faucet could be decisive. These things definitely increase the chances of a quick and good offer.

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Tip 2: Choose a neutral interior

Everyone has their own taste and style. Therefore, it is a risk to extend this into your home. Suppose the potential buyer’s taste is completely different from yours, you might lose them. Of course, it does work to decorate your home and give the homely, cozy atmosphere to the buyers. Just make sure that your home still exudes enough space.

During the visit, it is also best to provide a pleasant smell and some music to further stimulate the senses. You can also create a homely atmosphere by placing a flower on the table or offering delicious homemade cookies.

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Tip 3: Take the right photos

Photos create the first impression of your home. Therefore, they are of ultimate importance in selling your home. Choose a nice, sunny day for taking your photos. This will bring more light into the room and again create that optimistic feeling. Similarly, it is best to choose to have your viewings during the day and at a time when there are no parties going on at the neighbors’ house.

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Tip 4: Spice up your home

When potential buyers look for a home, they often want to fall in love with that property. Therefore, make sure there is character in your property and give buyers a story to tell. Use social media and various immosites to attract a wide audience.

Do provide a clear overview of what is in your property. How many bedrooms does the property have? Is there a garden present and how is it oriented? In addition, make sure you have the correct documentation and mandatory disclosures such as the EPC value.

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Tip 5: A realistic starting amount for selling your home

If you work with a real estate agent, it goes without saying that they will help you estimate your home. If you would still choose to sell your home on your own, be sure to enlist help with the appraisal of your home. The starting amount should be of realistic value before you put your home on the market. There are also many online tools for an appraisal, but they are not as valuable.

You can also start with an amount 5% higher than the appraised value in order to move on to negotiations. However, it is recommended that you still work with a real estate agent since it saves an enormous amount of time. They have the right know-how and many acquaintances to make the sale in a snap.

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In short, with these five valuable tips, you’ll be well on your way to successfully selling your home. From creating an attractive atmosphere to emphasizing the importance of a realistic starting price, each aspect contributes to generating interest among potential buyers. Implement these strategies and prepare for a smooth and successful sale of your home.

Want to know more about selling your home? Then be sure to check out our page on selling.


Sources: Bisbeurs, Steenoven & Zimmo

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Deferm, S. (2024, Jan. 3). 5 tips for selling your home smoothly. Apartment.be. Consulted on (date XX/XX/202X), from https://www.appartement.be/5-tips-voor-vlotte-verkoop-van-je-woning/